The Trials of a King

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In 2 Samuel Chapter 11, we see David enter into sin.  Shortly afterwards, we begin to see a domino effect take place.  One sin seemed to lead to another sinful choice or action in his life…and then another…and another….and so on.  Before it was all said and done, numerous lives had been impacted for the worse! Has this been your experience as well? That sometimes, right on the heels of one poor decision or action, another follows in its footsteps? Is there an area of your life where you currently feel stuck in a cycle of sin? At this time, what do you need to air out and confess to the Lord? 

Psalm 51 is a heartfelt prayer offered up by David, following his sinful choices.  Read what David has to say and consider the following: How does this psalm reflect a heart deeply troubled by sin? What is David seeking after with this prayer? What does this psalm reflect about God and His relationship with David? What does this psalm communicate to you about God’s desire to take away your sins, in the interest of His relationship with you?

1 John 1:8-9 is another helpful portion of Scripture, when it comes to laying our sins, struggles, and shortcomings.  Not only do we have an area to air out our sins, but more, we have a place that assures us of the forgiveness of our sins, for Jesus’ sake.  As you read this passage (as well as Psalm 51), what encouragement do you find here? What comfort does this give to you, today?  
