The Faith of a Foreign Woman

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In the Old Testament book of Ruth, we see three characters who, in their own ways, live out their faith in tangible ways.  Read Ruth Chapters 1-4 (it’s a short Book of the Bible!) and see how the following individuals put their faith and trust in God into action: Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz.  As you read their stories, ask yourself- what challenges were they facing when they decided to live by faith? What resulted from their desire to live by faith?
As you think about your present season of life, where do you see God opening up an opportunity for you to live by faith, not by sight? Are there any portions of their (Naomi’s, Ruth’s, or Boaz’s) stories that you resonate with? Why?
In Ruth 1:16 we hear a solid statement of faith from Ruth, “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God my God.” The resolve to follow, no matter what, is clear! What would it look like for you to adopt a similar resolve to follow, in your relationship with Jesus? In other words, what changes need to be made in your life (perhaps letting something go, or perhaps taking something on) so that your heart says something similar? “Jesus, where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay! With your help, I commit to letting go of _____________________________ and/or taking on _____________________ in order to follow You more faithfully, as you desire!
