God Builds a Nation

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In Genesis 12 God asked Abram to “go from your country, your people, and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” What thoughts do you suppose were racing through Abram and Sarai’s (Abram’s wife) minds? How would you have responded to God’s request?
What would it look like to orient your life (conversations, actions, relationships, decisions over use of time, talents, and treasures, etc.) this week according to God’s Story and His will? What obstacles are standing in the way, preventing you from fully following Him?
Abram (whose name was later changed to Abraham by God Himself; see why in Genesis 17:5) was by no means perfect. In fact, neither was Sarai (whose name was later changed to Sarah). And yet, God in His grace chose them for a divine mission. What does this reveal about God’s character? What does He look for? (Read Genesis 15:6 to hear Abram’s response to the details and assignment of God’s Story)
Gods oftentimes calls ordinary people to do extraordinary things. This holds true even for us, today! His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Out of divine love and grace for you, God chooses to use you in order that others will know Him through you. Where has God already opened up such doors and opportunities in your life? (Where is the “door” at work? With family and friends? In your neighborhood? Etc.?)
