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When God calls someone to serve Him, He gets it right the first time!  In looking at God’s call for Moses to serve as His “instrument of deliverance” (see Exodus 3-4:17), we hear a number of excuses from Moses as to why he feels he may not be the right man for the job (see Exodus 3:11; 4:10, 13). Where might the Lord be inviting you to serve Him, presently? What reasons might you have for not jumping at His invitation? Ask the Lord to help you move past any real or perceived barriers.
In Exodus 3:12 God gives Moses a great reason to have hope all throughout this Divine Assignment. What does He say to Moses?
How does this encourage us with the tasks God gives to us?  
Read Exodus 3:1-10. Then carefully reread Verses 7-10. What does this passage communicate about God’s connection with His people’s struggles and suffering, as well as His willingness to respond? How does this help you in your current struggles and sufferings?
