Daniel in Exile

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Shadrach (Hananiah), Meshach (Mishael), and Abednego (Azariah) boldly declared that they would die before bowing down to an idol. Recall any pressure-filled situations in your life and the ways you are tempted to compromise. How did you stand up to the temptation? What are some things you can do to strengthen yourself to be able to stand up under pressure?
It is in the dark places that light shines most brightly. What are some ways we can be part of our culture and still not compromise? Why is it valuable and even essential for Christians to understand and function within our culture (without crossing the line of compromise) if we are going to bring Jesus’ message and love to this world? Where is one place in your life that God wants his light to shine through you?
Daniel, Shadrach (Hananiah), Meshach (Mishael), and Abednego (Azariah) had each other. Though prisoners of war, this small community of faithful friends could band together in prayer and obedience. Make work of building this kind of network in your life. If you have one, be intentional about strengthening it. If you don’t, begin praying for and looking for people of integrity who can become long-term friends and supporters.
*Remember to pray for power to stand strong in your faith even when the culture and people  around you pressure you to compromise, AND thank God that He is with you even in the furnace moments of life.
