Oct 2, 2016
The Faith of a Foreign Woman
Series: The Story
In the Old Testament book of Ruth, we see three characters who, in their own ways, live out their faith in tangible ways.  Read Ruth Chapters 1-4 (it’s a short Book of the Bible!) and see how the following individuals put their faith and trust in God into action: Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz.  As you read their stories, ask yourself- what challenges were they facing when they decided to live by faith? What resulted from their desire to live by faith?
As you think about your present season of life, where do you see God opening up an opportunity for you to live by faith, not by sight? Are there any portions of their (Naomi’s, Ruth’s, or Boaz’s) stories that you resonate with? Why?
In Ruth 1:16 we hear a solid statement of faith from Ruth, “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God my God.” The resolve to follow, no matter what, is clear! What would it look like for you to adopt a similar resolve to follow, in your relationship with Jesus? In other words, what changes need to be made in your life (perhaps letting something go, or perhaps taking something on) so that your heart says something similar? “Jesus, where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay! With your help, I commit to letting go of _____________________________ and/or taking on _____________________ in order to follow You more faithfully, as you desire!
  • Oct 2, 2016The Faith of a Foreign Woman
    Oct 2, 2016
    The Faith of a Foreign Woman
    Series: The Story
    In the Old Testament book of Ruth, we see three characters who, in their own ways, live out their faith in tangible ways.  Read Ruth Chapters 1-4 (it’s a short Book of the Bible!) and see how the following individuals put their faith and trust in God into action: Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz.  As you read their stories, ask yourself- what challenges were they facing when they decided to live by faith? What resulted from their desire to live by faith?
    As you think about your present season of life, where do you see God opening up an opportunity for you to live by faith, not by sight? Are there any portions of their (Naomi’s, Ruth’s, or Boaz’s) stories that you resonate with? Why?
    In Ruth 1:16 we hear a solid statement of faith from Ruth, “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God my God.” The resolve to follow, no matter what, is clear! What would it look like for you to adopt a similar resolve to follow, in your relationship with Jesus? In other words, what changes need to be made in your life (perhaps letting something go, or perhaps taking something on) so that your heart says something similar? “Jesus, where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay! With your help, I commit to letting go of _____________________________ and/or taking on _____________________ in order to follow You more faithfully, as you desire!
  • Sep 25, 2016A Few Good Men…And Women
    Sep 25, 2016
    A Few Good Men…And Women
    Series: The Story
    The Book of Joshua seems to end on a high note: God has brought His people into the Promised Land; God has handed the Israelites victory upon victory over their enemies; and God has brought them to a point where they can finally settle in the land and begin to call it “home.” Under Joshua, the Israelites had solid, faithful leadership modeled to them.  Read Judges 2:6-23.  Does this passage mirror the leadership and faithfulness of men like Joshua, or does it reflect something else? If so, what do we see?
    What pattern or “cycle” do we see in the passage above?
    Read Judges 2:10-11.  What was a root cause of Israel’s falling away from the Lord? What were they forgetting to do for their families, friends, and neighbors? (clue: they were forgetting to tell T__ __  S __ __ __ y!)
    In light of the above, what is our takeaway? What will that look like for you, this week?
  • Sep 18, 2016The Battle Begins
    Sep 18, 2016
    The Battle Begins
    Series: The Story
    Read Joshua 1:1-11.  What did God call His people to do as they prepared to enter the Promised Land?
    As you reflect upon the challenges and decisions of the former generation of Israelites, who were not able to enter the Promised Land (see Numbers Chapters 13-14), what opportunities are now being presented to this generation? In other words, in what ways can this generation succeed where the former failed?
    The Israelites were given numerous opportunities to face down their fears, in faith.  As those moments and situations arose, they could stand and fight, or flee.  Perhaps as we consider this, we are led to recall various “battlegrounds”  present in our lives, along with the opportunity to stand firm in faith, or flee.  What challenge in your life might you be putting off or fleeing from, when/where all the while you know God is calling you to stand firm and address it?
    When Christians live in a world that flows so strongly against the desires and heart of God, we are often identified as followers of Jesus simply because of the way we live.  Name some actions and attitudes that show the world we are followers of Jesus.  As you take stock of the places you live, work, exercise, etc., where do you see God gifting you with an opportunity to live as “set apart for Him”?
  • Sep 11, 2016Wandering
    Sep 11, 2016
    Series: The Story
    As the Israelites approached the Promised Land, they could almost taste its goodness! However, when the Lord sent twelve men to scout out the land, they came back with mixed reports.  Read Numbers 13-14.  What two reports (generally speaking) did the men return with? What does each report tell you about what was going on in the hearts of God’s people?
    Grumbling, complaining, and rebelling had become the chorus for many of the Israelites as they took stock of their wilderness situation.  Why is it so easy to grumble, complain, and rebel when things don’t go the way we had planned them? In those moments, where is our focus? Where should our focus be? 
    Even today, God’s people journey through wilderness-like situations where the circumstances are uncomfortable and the way is not always clear.  As you think back to God’s relationship with the Israelites and His faithfulness to them (even in the most arid of situations), what comfort does this give you for the wilderness-like situation(s) you may be facing?
  • Sep 4, 2016New Commands and a New Covenant
    Sep 4, 2016
    New Commands and a New Covenant
    Series: The Story
    In Exodus 19:1-7, God shares with Moses what He desires for His relationship with the Israelites to look like.  What did He say? What does this communicate about God’s “missional heart” for those who don’t yet know Him?
    Exodus 20 gives us a look at the giving of God’s Ten Commandments.  The First Commandment sets the tone for all of the others- “You shall have no other gods before Me.” Where do you see others in your community struggling with this? How has this been a struggle and a challenge for you?
    Not long after the giving of the Ten Commandments, the Israelites gave God a glimpse of what was in their hearts, and how they would respond to His Commandments.  Read Exodus 32:1-35.  What happened?
    After the events of Exodus 32, God continued to show the Israelites steadfast love, mercy, and grace.  What encouragement does this give us for the times when we fall short of God’s Commandments and expectations?  Read 1 John 1:8-9.  How does this promise encourage us, today? What assurance do we have?
  • Aug 28, 2016Deliverance
    Aug 28, 2016
    Series: The Story
    When God calls someone to serve Him, He gets it right the first time!  In looking at God’s call for Moses to serve as His “instrument of deliverance” (see Exodus 3-4:17), we hear a number of excuses from Moses as to why he feels he may not be the right man for the job (see Exodus 3:11; 4:10, 13). Where might the Lord be inviting you to serve Him, presently? What reasons might you have for not jumping at His invitation? Ask the Lord to help you move past any real or perceived barriers.
    In Exodus 3:12 God gives Moses a great reason to have hope all throughout this Divine Assignment. What does He say to Moses?
    How does this encourage us with the tasks God gives to us?  
    Read Exodus 3:1-10. Then carefully reread Verses 7-10. What does this passage communicate about God’s connection with His people’s struggles and suffering, as well as His willingness to respond? How does this help you in your current struggles and sufferings?
  • Aug 21, 2016Joseph: From Slave to Deputy Pharaoh
    Aug 21, 2016
    Joseph: From Slave to Deputy Pharaoh
    Series: The Story
    In Genesis Chapters 37-39, we hear a portion of Joseph' story.  From our perspective it does not sound pleasant: betrayed by family, sold into slavery, cast into prison for crimes he did not commit, etc. In fact, it sounds more than unpleasant; it sounds hopeless! And yet, in the midst of "the storm" God was still working for the good.  Even in prison, God was moving His Story forward through Joseph.  How do we see God doing this in Genesis 39:20-23
    Years later, Joseph is reunited with his brothers and father (Jacob/"Israel").  Read Genesis 45:3-8; 46:29; and 50:15-21.  How does Joseph interact with his family members after what happened? What does he say? How would YOU have responded?! How does Joseph point his families members (and each of us) back to God's involvement through it all?
    Joseph was a man of integrity and faith.  God calls each of us- His Church- to be people with these same qualities.  As you consider your current chapter of life, where is God blessing you with opportunities to be a person of integrity and faith?
    Read Romans 8:28. What reassurance and encouragement does this passage give to you? How will this promise inform your thoughts and actions, even in dark and uncertain times?
  • Aug 14, 2016God Builds a Nation
    Aug 14, 2016
    God Builds a Nation
    Series: The Story
    In Genesis 12 God asked Abram to “go from your country, your people, and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” What thoughts do you suppose were racing through Abram and Sarai’s (Abram’s wife) minds? How would you have responded to God’s request?
    What would it look like to orient your life (conversations, actions, relationships, decisions over use of time, talents, and treasures, etc.) this week according to God’s Story and His will? What obstacles are standing in the way, preventing you from fully following Him?
    Abram (whose name was later changed to Abraham by God Himself; see why in Genesis 17:5) was by no means perfect. In fact, neither was Sarai (whose name was later changed to Sarah). And yet, God in His grace chose them for a divine mission. What does this reveal about God’s character? What does He look for? (Read Genesis 15:6 to hear Abram’s response to the details and assignment of God’s Story)
    Gods oftentimes calls ordinary people to do extraordinary things. This holds true even for us, today! His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Out of divine love and grace for you, God chooses to use you in order that others will know Him through you. Where has God already opened up such doors and opportunities in your life? (Where is the “door” at work? With family and friends? In your neighborhood? Etc.?)
  • Aug 7, 2016Creation: The Beginning of Life as We Know It
    Aug 7, 2016
    Creation: The Beginning of Life as We Know It
    Series: The Story
    What elements of God's Creation speak to you?  In other words, where do you see God's handiwork?
    In Genesis 3, we learn of Adam and Eve's (man's) fall into sin.  And yet, in this same chapter we also learn of God's Gospel promise to them and to US.  In Verse 15 we catch a glimpse of this promise, which points us forward to Jesus (check it out!).  What does this tell you about God's character, that He would respond in such a way so quickly after Adam and Eve's mistake?
    Over the next several weeks as we spend more time journeying through The Story, what goals would you like to set for yourself?  For your family? (possible examples: more time in prayer, daily devotions, family devotions, dedication to the work God is entrusting to His Church at/through Praise, joining Sunday morning Bible study, etc.)
    As you think about the wonderful promise God gave to Adam and Eve, as well as to you and me in the Garden, what other promises of God are you led to recall?  Is there a specific promise you need the Holy Spirit to remind you of this week, because of what you have been going through or facing?  (e.g. One focused on forgiveness? God's unconditional love? His divine presence?)