The King Who Had It All

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Near the end of his life, Solomon was inspired by God to write a collection of reflections, the book of Ecclesiastes, on what he learned along the way.  Read Ecclesiastes and reflect on how easy it is to focus on the wrong stuff.  Ask God to help you identify what matters most to him and what should be most important to you.

In 1 Kings Chapter 11:1-6, we learn about a weak point in Solomon’s faith life and relationship with the Lord.  As long as it remained unchecked, this sinful area of his life continued to consume Solomon, eventually pulling his heart away from the Lord.  Is there an area of life where your faith and relationship with the Lord are being slowly corroded? What changes need to be made today to stop the corrosion? Who can you reach out to today for help and support? For prayer?

Read 1 Kings 3:3-15 once again (today’s first Scripture reading).  What strikes you about Solomon’s request? Why does he ask for wisdom? Does his request reflect care and concern for his kingdom or the Lord’s? How might this better guide your motivations when praying?
