God’s Messengers

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God was very patient with the nation Israel.  For over two centuries and through the reigns of nineteen kings, God kept loving, seeking, and sending His prophets with a call for His people to come home.  Finally, God said, “Enough!” and accomplished His plan of restored relationship with humanity through the Southern Kingdom of Judah.  Reflect upon how patient God has been with you.  Identify patterns of sin in your life that seem to come back again and again.  Pray for power to see these and turn from them.

Or, here’s another way to look at it: God is calling.  Don’t put Him into voicemail.  This week sit quietly in prayer and listen to God, a journal or blank piece of paper and pen in hand.  Ask God a few simple, pointed questions and write down any words He places on your heart.  Here are a few questions to get you started:
-What have You done to show Your love and patience with me?  (Thank Him!)
-What are the behaviors and attitudes in my life that are not honoring to You (Commit to change!)
-How can I listen more closely to Your Word (the Bible) and other ways You speak to me?  (Seek to follow His leading…even when it is hard!)

Remember- God pursues you on a daily basis because He loves you and cares about your future with Him!


